Monday, July 7, 2014

Form 31: Du Li Tuo Zhang (Lifting Palm and Standing on One Leg)

This form is so named because it is performed by standing on one leg and lifting one palm up before the body.

Detailed Explanation
Lower limbs: Stand steady with the left leg bent slightly and bend the right leg and lift it up with tiptoes dropping down naturally.
Upper limbs: Turn the right palm upward, and hojd it up before the body, with the palm facing upward and the wrist level with the chest; circle the left palm leftward and upward until the body side, with the wrist reaching the shoulder height, the palm facing outward with fingertips obliquely upward, eyes looking at the right palm.

kung fu clothing

Key Point
See Jin Ji Du Li for movements of the lower limbs. Hold the right palm up and thrust the left palm outward forcibly in the opposite direction.

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