Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Form 28: Jin Ji Du Li (Golden Rooster Stands on One Leg-Left Side & Right Side)

This form is so named as it is performed with one leg standing and the other lifted, one hand raised up and the other dropped, appearing like a rooster standing on one leg.

Key Point 
Keep the head uplifted and the shoulders sunk when standing on one leg. Move hands up and down at the same time and in harmony with leg lifting.

kung fu clothing

Detailed Explanation
Lower limbs: Stand on one leg, with the other  leg lifted with tiptoe dropping naturally.
Upper limbs: As the knee is bent and the leg  lifted up, swing the palm at the same side to the front of the body, with fingertips reaching the eyebrow height, and push the other palm 'down to the crotch side, eyes looking forward at the palm swung up.

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