Monday, June 30, 2014

Form 23: Zuo Fen Jiao(Kicking with Toes Forward-Left Side)

See You Fen Jiao for detail.

Key Point
See You Fen.liao for detail.

Detailed Explanation
Lower limbs: Stand with the Jeft leg bent slightly; with the left instep unfolding, toes slowly kick up forward to above the waist.
Upper limbs: Circle two palms downward and inward from two sides, cross them before the abdomen, turn them inward and rest them before the chest. When kicking with the right foot, part arms fefc forward and right respectively, with patms facing outward, fingers facing upward, the wrists level with the shoulders, elbow joints bent slightly and the right arm aligned with the right leg, eyes looking at the left palm.
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