Friday, June 20, 2014

Form 10: Ru Feng Si Bi (Apparent Close Up)

Cross two arms to form an oblique  ‘‘十’’shape, resembling a seal. The movement of withdrawing one hand while horizontally prodding the other hand is called  "Feng" (seal), while the movement of bending two elbows and pushing hands out is called "Ge"  (parry, block). It seems to close a two-leaf door when two hands are tumed and pushed forward. In Tai Chi Boxing, the action of the two types of movement is termed  "Feng Ge Ji Bi Fa"   (the method of arm sealing and parrying).

Key Point
Keep the head uplifted, the shoulders sunk, elbows down, and the waist relaxed, and ensure that the hand movements of Feng, Ge, Bi (close) and Tui  (push) are in harmony with the movement of the lower limbs' weight.

tai chi clothes

Detailed Explanation
The 42 Forms have some features shared with the Yang-style and Sun-style Tai Chi Boxing.
Lower limbs: Transfer weight backward to form into a left seating stance from the left bow stance, with left tiptoes hooked upward; transfer weight forward, take the right foot back to behind the left foot to form a right T-shaped stance, with tiptoes landing on the ground.
Upper limbs: Thread the left palm from beneath the right forearm, palm upward; turn the right fist into palm facing upward; as weight is transferred backward to form into a seating stance, part two palms, curve arms and turn them inward, and draw them back to the chest at a shoulder width, with the palms obliquely opposite to each other. Turn two palms downward to the front of the abdomen, and as the right foot follows, push two palms forward at a shoulder width, wrists level with the shoulders and eyes looking at two palms.

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